March News:

Tax Collection is happening now. The Town Hall is open Monday-Tuesday 9am-2pm and Wednesdays 4pm-7pm


It has been reported The Fire Department is CLOSER to their 50k goal to collect funds for the new Fire Building. 10k more to be raised to receive the grant of 100k. Thank you to ALL who continue to donate to that cause. The Fire Hall is needed not only to house our trucks and equipment but will  be used for a place for shelter in case of an Emergency or Natural Disaster.



Social Security Assistance

Film Plastics Recyclable

Introducing the Spay/Neuter Now program. Please click on the items below to learn how you may be able to support and/or take advantage of the services offered for your pets or stray animals in your community.


TNR Brochure 2018

SNN Application for Assistance

Paint Recycling

Household Well and Septic Maintenance

Does New York State owe you money? Click here to find out how you can claim it.